I remember the day so clearly. The battle inside my head was insane. Do I start a blog or do I not? Little did I know, I was about to make a decision that would change my life.
Let's rewind to about fall of last year. I had such the desire and hunger to write. But where? How? While the thought continued to sit in my head, the idea of a blog was crossed once or twice. But, by His divine sovereignty and timing, I wasn't ready. He needed to work in my heart for just a little bit longer and prepare me for what was to come.
He truly did work on my heart. He drew me closer to Him and surrounded me with a new church family that inspired me to be in The Word. Seeds were being planted and I didn't even know it yet.
As the New Year approached, I searched my mind for some kind of resolution. Let me say this, I can't stand New Year's resolutions. They drive me nuts, I hate the idea of setting some what "unrealistic" goals for myself. So I can assure, this blog and what you see today was not and won't ever be any type of resolution. Although, I did ask the Lord to show me something new. A very broad request, I know. At that time, I didn't know exactly what that meant either.
A few weeks later, I received my acceptance letter to my dream bible college. His was in control and I had no doubt in His plan. But still, in the very depths of my heart, I had a desire....for something new.
Then. From out of nowhere, something was telling me to start a blog. I didn't know what I was going to write about, what it was going to be called, or about the hours of work it would take to keep up this blog. I also knew nothing about the amazing, inspiring, self-less, loving Christian women that dwelled in this unknown world I was apprehensive to enter. So, with all that I had, I began to quietly pray about this opportunity. I didn't tell anyone and continued to live my day to day life with it constantly on my mind.
"Lord, you have shown me Your unfailing love. I know that You know exactly what You want me to do. Is this it? Is this what I have been waiting for? Show me. Make it so clear Lord. Make it so clear that this is what I should do."
Oh, He made it clear. He made it very clear. So clear that one day, I woke up and knew that this is exactly what God wanted me to do. I had no idea what I was doing. I just started writing. Weeks passed by and for some reason, people started following and commenting and blessing me in ways I couldn't imagine. People wanted to read what I had to say. Not only that, but they were responding positively to it! That just about rocked my world.
As time grew, I learned more and more about the "blog world". Design, buttons, link-ups, HTML, ya know, the normal blogger lingo. I quickly realized that this was way more than adding a picture and typing up something to go with it. It was a lot of work. But what surprised me most was...I loved every part of it. Not by any means am I an "expert blogger". Yes, there still are many things I have to Google to learn how to do. But, I have grown so much and have learned so many things! If you are new blogger, don't give up! It can easily get frustrating. If this is truly your passion, time will give you the experience you need to keep going.
Contrary to common belief, bloggers are real people. We aren't robots or geeks in the library making new websites every day. We are all people. We all have struggles, dreams, aspirations, and for one reason or another God has all called us to the same place to encourage each other and lift us up. I have met some amazing people. People that I could easily call my real life friends and not just my "blogging friends". I had no idea that people like that would come my way with this blog.
Now it wasn't always puppies and rainbows around here. My time here on this blog has been a roller coaster. Some weeks would be great and I would walk away with some awesome content. Other weeks, I would stare at the screen, searching for the words to speak. In times like this, I had to step back and give The Author His pen back. While I am the one typing on these keys, time after time He provides me with the words to speak. And for that, I am extremely thankful.
So, there you have it. There is my blogging story. Hopefully by God's grace, this won't be the end of this story.
to be continued....