She Reads Truth:
I have gone on and on about this wonderful site. It's amazing and it you still haven't started one of their devotion plans, pull a Nike and just do it. They will change your life. (I talk about how they have changed mine here) She Reads Truth is avaliable via the You Version bible app or just through old fashion e-mails. (That is personally how I do mine) They aren't very long and would take about 5-10 minutes out of your day to complete. Normally, She Reads Truth goes over one book of the bible at a time. Currently we are studying 1 Peter. Each day, they will give you a group of verses to read and a short "journaling" about that particular scripture. I personally don't go ahead and read each given scripture at a time. I don't think I have ever been disappointed by the devotions. And they are delivered straight to my inbox!

I don't think I can tell you how important this aspect of my devotions is. There is just something special about being able to always look back at it later and reflect on what God has taught me. Now you may ask, what do I journal about? Well, anything! My devotion journal is filled with just about everything. Quotes, scripture, lyrics to worship songs, etc. I try to write out a prayer every day, talking to the Lord about what He has spoken to me through His word and desires of my heart. The more and more you let go and write what ever comes to mind, the more you will benefit from it.
When and Where:
This is an interesting answer because, a lot of the times, it's not consistent. On a perfect day, I would love to wake up, get my coffee, and venture back into my bed and have my devotions that way. Unfortunately, that can't always happen. More often than not, I find myself most free of time and distractions late at night. Oddly enough, I get most of my work and projects done late at night, I have found that it just works for me. But, sometimes, life is a little crazy and I will do my devotions just about anywhere. That's whats great about having She Reads Truth sent straight to my email. I can read the passage for the day, read the prompt from She Reads Truth, and take notes all on my iPhone. Whether I'm in between classes, waiting for my drink at Starbucks, or on my break at work, my devotion time is only a few taps away. (Did that sound like an informercial? Sorry...)
All the Extras:
Now, you could stop there and I can tell you that your spiritual life will change drastically. But for me, I have found two more things that really make a difference.
I love listening to music. It truly is a way for me to escape and be in a completely different head space. I would say that 95% of the music I listen to is worship music. (It truly becomes a habit once you begin to lead worship. No complaints here!) If I have the time and resources, I love to listen to worship music while I'm doing my devotions. Here are a few that I have enjoyed lately:
Furious-Jeremy Riddle
Hungry(Falling On My Knees)-Joy Williams
Divine Romance-Phil Wickham
You're Beautiful-Phil Wickham
Shine Into Our Night-Soverign Grace Music
Here For You-Matt Redman
Every once and a while, I find a book that I read along with my devotions. Right now, I'm going through The Search for Significance by Robert S. McGee. I really enjoy it and I totally recommend it. I have to admit, I'm slow with books like this. I don't crack it open every day....or every week....kind of just whenever I have the time.
What is your devotion routine? What are your tips and tricks? Let me know, I would love to learn some new things!
ReplyDeleteI would really appreciate your input on my blog post from just a sec ago. and would love to have your prayers and uplifting advice as well. Thanks hun. and i'm glad you shared this about your devotion and all.
Hey there. Major update and I need everyone to shoot over and there and check it out. Prayers are needed majorly.
your input would mean the world to me.
i've never had a devotional routine so i'm going to check this out.